Documents to provide for your rental application in the context of a long-term lease
In all cases, for each tenant
- Copy of passport or identity document
- Last income tax notice or non-taxation notice
CDI (permanent contract)
- 3 last salary slips
- Employment contract OR, failing this, a certificate from the employer, dated less than 1 month ago, specifying the employment, compensation, date of entry into service and, where applicable, the duration of the probationary period
NB2 : for cross-border commuters on permanent contracts, it will be required at least 6 months of prior art
CDI to come or not being able to justify the last 3 pay slips
- Last pay slips
- Employment contract signed by both parties
Managing director (employed by the company) with at least 24 months of prior art
- Three most recent pay slips
- Two most recent financial statements
- Copy of the certificate of incorporation (Kbis) less than 3 months old
CDD (fixed-term contracts) or professionals contracts with a residual term of 12 months or more at the date of signature of the lease
- Three last pay slips
- Employment contract signed by both parties
Temporary workers with at least 24 months of prior art
- Last salary slips
- Mission contract over the last 6 months OR summary certificate of missions for Pôle Emploi
Intermittents with at least 24 months of prior art
- Three last pay slips
- Proof of registration as an intermittent worker with Pôle Emploi for at least 24 months
Self-employed (self-employed managers, traders, craftsmen) with at least 24 months of prior art
- Copy of the certificate of incorporation (Kbis) less than 3 months old OR extract from the register of trades less than 3 months old OR copy of the INSEE identification certificate
- Two most recent financial certified by a chartered accountant
Professional with at least 24 months of prior art
- Copy of the certificate of incorporation (Kbis) less than 3 months old OR extract from the register of trades less than 3 months old OR copy of the INSEE identification certificate
- Valid professional license
Microenterprise ("auto-entrepreneur") with at least 24 months of prior art
- Copy of the certificate of incorporation (Kbis) less than 3 months old OR extract from the trades register less than 3 months old OR copy of the INSEE identification certificate
- Copy of the student card or proof of schooling for the current year
- If applicable, contract or certificate of internship
- Act of guarantee completed and signed by the guarantor(s) (link to the guarantee document)
- Documents proving the income of the guarantor(s): refer to the list of documents according to the status.
- Apprenticeship contract
- Act of guarantee completed and signed by the guarantor(s) (link to the guarantee document)
- Documents proving the income of the guarantor(s): refer to the list of documents according to status.
- The file of each guarantor must contain the same documents as those in the tenant's file.
- The file must also contain a guarantee undertaking (guarantee deed) written in writing and signed by each guarantor, while respecting the legislation in force. An act of engagement is mandatory for each guarantor, even if they are married under the community regime
- The guarantor's contact details.
- Justification of payment of allowances received during the last 3 months
- OR proof of entitlement established by the paying agency
- 13th month / vacation bonus : only if stipulated in the employment contract
- Added hours: only taken into consideration if they are contractually defined
- Real estate income: 100% of net real estate income after deduction on the last tax notice
- Professional transfer: mandatory transfer notice
- AAH (allocation for disabled adults): 100% of the allowance or pension
- Compensatory benefit: 100% of the compensatory benefit, only if paid in the form of an annuity justified by the copy of the judgment
- Sickness benefit: only taken into consideration if the tenant is on a permanent contract at 100% of the payments from the CPAM and the Caisse Complémentaire
- Allowances (APL, ALS, PAJE, CLCMG, ASF, AES, APE, CF, API): a maximum of 20% of the amount of the allowance will be taken into consideration, provided that it is duly justified at the signing of the lease
Depending on the quality of the documents provided, the response time may be up to 48 working hours. In general, it is recommended to send us the complete file in order to limit this period.