How it works
- Benefits of using MorningCroissant for tenants
- Renting a property
- How to contact the owner
- Difference between the buttons “Rent this property”, “Check availability” and “Contact the owner”
- The owner doesn't answer my request
- Acceptance of a rental request: process and confirmation
- Acceptation of rental request by owners
- E-signature of the rental contract
- The owner refuses my rental request
- When to get the owner's phone number
- MorningCroissant service fees
- Carry out a rental for another person
- I am asked to pay the rent outside MorningCroissant
- Rental types : medium-term rental vs long-term rental
- Documents to provide for your rental application in the context of a medium-term lease
- Documents to provide for your rental application in the context of a long-term lease
- CAF and APL applications
- Monthly or upfront payment of the rental
- Secured payment on MorningCroissant
- Payment authorization
- Payment of rent and billing
- The owner refuses my rental request after payment
- Failure to pay online for a rental
- Countries accepted for the origin of payments
- Payment of the security deposit
- How to use a voucher
- Retrieving all my invoices
After a booking
- What to do after a rental request?
- Joining the owner as the date of entry into the premises approaches
- Handover of keys
- Is it possible to show up after the time indicated on the ad?
- What if the owner does not show up for the appointment?
- Procedure in the event of a problem with the accommodation when entering the premises
- What to do in case of accidental damage during my rental?
- Giving a review after the rental
Cancellation, notice, extension
- How to list a property online
- The address of my accommodation is not recognized at the time the listing is being created
- Delay between the creation of an ad and its publication on MorningCroissant
- How to edit my listing
- How to make an accommodation listing more attractive
- How to improve the ranking and visibility of your listing on MorningCroissant
- Minimum and recommended number of photos for an accommodation listing
- How to add a virtual tour or video of my property to my listing
- How to make a video of my accommodation
- Editing the rent
- How to set the right rent level
- What charges should be included in the rent?
- Which method of payment of recoverable expenses should I choose?
- Requesting a security deposit
- Choose the duration of your rental
- Enter a period of unavailability
- Difference between "all the time" "occasionally" available accommodation
- How to update my accommodation calendar
- How to synchronize my MorningCroissant calendar with another calendar on a different website
- My accommodation is no longer visible on the site
- How to put my accommodation listing offline
- How to delete my ad from MorningCroissant
- Respond to a tenant's availability request
- How to send a message to the tenant
- Communication of my contact details to the tenant
- Difference between an availability request and a rental request
- Rental request received from a potential tenant
- Time to respond to a rental request
- Declining a rental request
- A potential tenant wants to see my apartment before renting it
- How to complete and sign the rental contract
- Prepare for entry: contract, security deposit and inventory of fixtures
- Differences between medium and long term rentals in France
After a booking
Cancellation, notice, extension
Become owner
- Types of furnished or unfurnished rentals
- Decent housing
- Rent setting: renewal, capping and revision
- List of required equipment for furnished rental
- Mandatory real estate diagnoses for rentals
- Appendices to the rental contract to be provided to the tenant
- Prior authorization for rental - "Permit to rent"
- Change of use for furnished rentals
- Guarantor and Guarantee of Unpaid Rents
- Fighting discrimination when renting a property
Trust & Safety
Change of use for furnished rentals
We take a look at the notion of change of use in the context of furnished rentals.
We are not lawyers and therefore this summary does not constitute a legal opinion.
Do not hesitate to contact a lawyer or a legal adviser in case of doubt.
It is mandatory to obtain a prior administrative authorization to change from a residential use to any other use, commercial or professional. This authorization is issued by the mayor of the municipality in which the property is located.
Conversely, no authorization is required if the change of use concerns the transformation of commercial properties (store, office, etc.) into residential properties.
The regulation of the change of use, intended to protect housing, only concerns residential premises transformed for another use, in particular if it is a rental that becomes an economic activity (offices, trade, furnished tourist rental, etc.).
The authorization of change of use, governed by the code of construction and housing, is mandatory only :
A decision of the Court of Cassation dated 18/02/21 specifies what constitutes a change of use for a furnished accommodation.
Here is the extract of the decree which interests us for the general case:
"Apart from the cases of a lease granted to a student for a period of at least nine months, the conclusion, since the entry into force of the law of November 23, 2018, of a mobility lease for a period of one to ten months and the lease of the premises for residential use constituting the principal residence of the lessor for a maximum period of four months, the fact of renting, more than once in the course of the same year, renting furnished premises for a period of less than one year, such as a rental by the night, week or month, to a passing clientele who do not take up residence there as their principal residence within the meaning of article 2 of the law of July 6, 1989, constitutes a change of use of premises intended for habitation and, consequently, is subject to prior authorization. "
In summary of this decree, it is specified that, for the particular case treated:
"Constitutes a change of use of a premise intended for habitation, within the meaning of Article L. 631-7, paragraph 6, of the Construction and Housing Code, the fact, for the owner of a furnished premise for habitation, to rent it twice in less than a year, for respective durations of four and six months, less than one year or nine months."
In the case of a furnished rental of a property, the lessor must proceed with the change of use of the rented property if :
In some cities, such as Paris, the change of use is accompanied by financial compensation. Penalties in case of infringement are heavy: up to 50 000€ fine and a fine of 1000€ per day and per m2.
Cases that do not require a change of use:
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
We are not lawyers and therefore this summary does not constitute a legal opinion.
Do not hesitate to contact a lawyer or a legal adviser in case of doubt.
It is mandatory to obtain a prior administrative authorization to change from a residential use to any other use, commercial or professional. This authorization is issued by the mayor of the municipality in which the property is located.
Conversely, no authorization is required if the change of use concerns the transformation of commercial properties (store, office, etc.) into residential properties.
The regulation of the change of use, intended to protect housing, only concerns residential premises transformed for another use, in particular if it is a rental that becomes an economic activity (offices, trade, furnished tourist rental, etc.).
The authorization of change of use, governed by the code of construction and housing, is mandatory only :
- in municipalities with more than 200,000 inhabitants ;
- and in the departments of Hauts-de-Seine (92), Seine-Saint-Denis (93) and Val-de-Marne (94), except in urban free zones (ZFU).
A decision of the Court of Cassation dated 18/02/21 specifies what constitutes a change of use for a furnished accommodation.
Here is the extract of the decree which interests us for the general case:
"Apart from the cases of a lease granted to a student for a period of at least nine months, the conclusion, since the entry into force of the law of November 23, 2018, of a mobility lease for a period of one to ten months and the lease of the premises for residential use constituting the principal residence of the lessor for a maximum period of four months, the fact of renting, more than once in the course of the same year, renting furnished premises for a period of less than one year, such as a rental by the night, week or month, to a passing clientele who do not take up residence there as their principal residence within the meaning of article 2 of the law of July 6, 1989, constitutes a change of use of premises intended for habitation and, consequently, is subject to prior authorization. "
In summary of this decree, it is specified that, for the particular case treated:
"Constitutes a change of use of a premise intended for habitation, within the meaning of Article L. 631-7, paragraph 6, of the Construction and Housing Code, the fact, for the owner of a furnished premise for habitation, to rent it twice in less than a year, for respective durations of four and six months, less than one year or nine months."
In the case of a furnished rental of a property, the lessor must proceed with the change of use of the rented property if :
- this one is rented more than once a year - and thus for durations of less than one year;
- to a passing clientele that does not establish its main residence - thus excluding classic furnished leases of one year tacitly renewable;
- except in the case of a mobility lease ("bail mobilité) lasting from 1 to 10 months, a student lease lasting 9 months or the rental of the owner's main residence for a maximum of four months.
In some cities, such as Paris, the change of use is accompanied by financial compensation. Penalties in case of infringement are heavy: up to 50 000€ fine and a fine of 1000€ per day and per m2.
Cases that do not require a change of use:
- A lease of more than one year
- A mobility lease with a duration of 1 to 10 months
- Several rentals in a mobility lease during the year
Ex : 2 rentals in mobility lease (2 different tenants), one of 2 months and the other of 8 months in the same year - Several rentals in the year in a classic ALUR furnished lease (main residence of the tenant)
Ex : 2 rentals, one of 4 months (notice of the 1st tenant at the 3rd month) and the other of 7 months in the same year (notice of the tenant at the 6th month) - A student lease of 9 months
- Rental of less than 4 months of the principal residence of the lessor
- Rental of a furnished commercial property several times a year
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
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