How it works
- Benefits of using MorningCroissant for tenants
- Renting a property
- How to contact the owner
- Difference between the buttons “Rent this property”, “Check availability” and “Contact the owner”
- The owner doesn't answer my request
- Acceptance of a rental request: process and confirmation
- Acceptation of rental request by owners
- E-signature of the rental contract
- The owner refuses my rental request
- When to get the owner's phone number
- MorningCroissant service fees
- Carry out a rental for another person
- I am asked to pay the rent outside MorningCroissant
- Rental types : medium-term rental vs long-term rental
- Documents to provide for your rental application in the context of a medium-term lease
- Documents to provide for your rental application in the context of a long-term lease
- CAF and APL applications
- Monthly or upfront payment of the rental
- Secured payment on MorningCroissant
- Payment authorization
- Payment of rent and billing
- The owner refuses my rental request after payment
- Failure to pay online for a rental
- Countries accepted for the origin of payments
- Payment of the security deposit
- How to use a voucher
- Retrieving all my invoices
After a booking
- What to do after a rental request?
- Joining the owner as the date of entry into the premises approaches
- Handover of keys
- Is it possible to show up after the time indicated on the ad?
- What if the owner does not show up for the appointment?
- Procedure in the event of a problem with the accommodation when entering the premises
- What to do in case of accidental damage during my rental?
- Giving a review after the rental
Cancellation, notice, extension
- How to list a property online
- The address of my accommodation is not recognized at the time the listing is being created
- Delay between the creation of an ad and its publication on MorningCroissant
- How to edit my listing
- How to make an accommodation listing more attractive
- How to improve the ranking and visibility of your listing on MorningCroissant
- Minimum and recommended number of photos for an accommodation listing
- How to add a virtual tour or video of my property to my listing
- How to make a video of my accommodation
- Editing the rent
- How to set the right rent level
- What charges should be included in the rent?
- Which method of payment of recoverable expenses should I choose?
- Requesting a security deposit
- Choose the duration of your rental
- Enter a period of unavailability
- Difference between "all the time" "occasionally" available accommodation
- How to update my accommodation calendar
- How to synchronize my MorningCroissant calendar with another calendar on a different website
- My accommodation is no longer visible on the site
- How to put my accommodation listing offline
- How to delete my ad from MorningCroissant
- Respond to a tenant's availability request
- How to send a message to the tenant
- Communication of my contact details to the tenant
- Difference between an availability request and a rental request
- Rental request received from a potential tenant
- Time to respond to a rental request
- Declining a rental request
- A potential tenant wants to see my apartment before renting it
- How to complete and sign the rental contract
- Prepare for entry: contract, security deposit and inventory of fixtures
- Differences between medium and long term rentals in France
After a booking
Cancellation, notice, extension
Become owner
- Types of furnished or unfurnished rentals
- Decent housing
- Rent setting: renewal, capping and revision
- List of required equipment for furnished rental
- Mandatory real estate diagnoses for rentals
- Appendices to the rental contract to be provided to the tenant
- Prior authorization for rental - "Permit to rent"
- Change of use for furnished rentals
- Guarantor and Guarantee of Unpaid Rents
- Fighting discrimination when renting a property
Trust & Safety
Communication of my contact details to the tenant
In order to preserve the privacy of users, we only disclose their contact information when a rental request has been accepted. You will receive the tenant's telephone and e-mail details in the rental confirmation e-mail.
Before accepting a rental, you can still communicate with the tenant via our messaging system.
For more information, here are the advantages of using MorningCroissant.
Before accepting a rental, you can still communicate with the tenant via our messaging system.
For more information, here are the advantages of using MorningCroissant.
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